Wednesday, December 25, 2013

running miscellaneous

Since the marathon I didn't put much effort or constance in training. I probably went back to running too soon (in hindsight going to club 2 days after the race was a bit early) and didn't recover properly. I was on a running high and just went with it, without realising that my legs needed rest. As a result, I felt really exhausted, even mentally, and my running suffered (giving blood didn't help at all, as well, know it's just something I do).

Anyway, I didn't retreat to my room and forgot about running! I got involved in a plentiful of running-related activities.

-I marshalled my club's monthly 5k race. it was pretty good fun, the temperature was bearable, and I really enjoyed cheering up people, even though feedback suggested I might need to renew my cheering repertoire:)

-I helped out twice with the Junior Session organised by the club every Wednesday and again, that was so much fun even though a bit tiring. The kids were always so energetic and you could see they were having fun all the time, even when they were doing "reps" and it really made me rethink about the ideas in the book "Born to run".

-I went running with these girls: 

They are my friends from the University Running Club and we used to run and chat about food, books, injuries and life in general all the time last year. In September Mareike went back to her home country Germany after finishing her master. She was back for a couple of days for graduation and we went running together and for lots of tea and food. It was so good being reunited all the 3 of us: we are fairly different,even in running abilities and distances, but we do get each other very well.

-went for a jog 2 hours after giving blood and survived (whoah!)
-went to watch and cheer at the local x country league (with a cake):)

 - did my first over 10k run since the marathon
-went for my longest run since the marathon with my mum on Christmas Eve, in the pouring rain: 1h10 for a hilly 13k in the trail aroun our house. I never realised how much I miss these woods until I run in them.
-I started doing some core training, using the same routine as my mum's: i read somewhere that it takes 21 days to make something a habit, so i am doing a 21 day core training challenge...

How is your running going? Do you have any race planned/in your bucket list for 2014?

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